Tuesday, 7 January 2014

To my disappointment:

Okay so I've had a bit of a restless night, thinking about this bloomin' camera! (Sad it know!) 
I purchased this delightful little thing a week ago, it came within a couple of days, to my excitement I rip open the box, pull out the instructions and get it up and running!.. 
Now everything was simple, I placed the film in correctly..which are very expensive! which you'll know if anyone reading this has had one before! I take my first photo, (just a tester, nothing exciting) and to my disappointment, it came out..white. 
'Okay' I thought, (putting a Pollyanna spin on it) 'not to worry, I'll try again!' So I did.. Again..and again.. Until I wasted 5, yes 5 films! Okay so that doesn't sound much but they're bloody expensive! So I emailed the place I purchased it from..no reply. 'Okay stay calm..breath breath breath!' A day later I call, a man answered and was most helpful so I start thinking okay this is getting sorted! Yey! He says they'll call back and sort everything out for you, this was a couple of days a go.. now can you see my disappointment! so fingers crossed for me guys, that he rings, sorts it all out, and that's that!  

1 comment:

  1. failing all else, give your mother their contact details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
