Wednesday, 19 February 2014

My idols, Mcfly:

Mcfly are my absolute inspirations. I have loved these four men for 10 whole years, I feel like I have grown up with them. They are such a big part of my life. The feeling of going to one of their concerts is the most wonderful feeling in the whole world. When Mcfly come on stage and start to sing, I feel at home. I feel like the whole outside world doesn't exist and for the next two hours, everything in the world is good, there can be no bad. When I was younger, I used to be unconfident, in so many aspects of my life. I would never admit to my friends what music I liked, or what clothes I really liked; I would just do anything to fit in: Sad really. When I got home from school, I would sit in my room and listen to mcfly. Then, I was confident. Then, I was myself. Mcfly were my biggest escape route. I was their biggest fan. 10 years down te line and mcfly still mean the world to me. The emotions that run through my body when I'm at a Mcfly concert is brilliant, something you will never experience if you have no real connection with a band. People who don't have this bond, don't understand. They just think you're 'obsessed', but really- they're a part of your life, just like your friends and family. These four men have taught me to be myself, they're the most inspirational men in the world. They will forever have a part of my heart. 

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