Sunday, 31 August 2014

Photoshopping is more than just a photo in the media:

Okay so this is something I love to talk about, Photoshopping. 

We seem to live in a society where we have to look the 'part', we have to be perfect, with perfect teeth, perfect skin, perfect hair, and god forbid we take photos of ourself with an ounce of fat showing! There's nothing wrong with changing our photos, I unserstand how advertising works, you want it to look the best! But why has it got to the point where we are feeling bad about ourselves  because of this? About 7 years a go this effected me, a hell of a lot. In the past few years I have overcome my lack of self confidence, but I know that there are millions of other girls, boys, men and women out there with these issues. And the media have a hell of a lot to do with it! 
I've posted two photos above this, one of a gorgeous lady with gorgeous curves, which I for one think look amazing! However they have decided to totally change her image, her legs have been thinned, and her stomach, where has it gone?! Please explain what's wrong with her stomach for someone to feel the need to totally demolish it and create something which is not even real?! This upsets me. Young girls look at the right image and think, great. That's the look I need to look 'perfect'. Which leads to what? Depression, self harm, dieting tablets, eating disorders? How far should we push this?  Young boys, even men may look at that photo and think, hey, that's what all women look like! How amazing is that! They higher their expectations, and when they do come across a genuinely gorgeous lady, who isn't up to society's standerds, they dismiss them because they're not as perfect as all the women in the magazines! What's that all about?! 

My second image is as we all know, Harry Styles. Let me just start with this, why have they removed all of his spots? What's wrong with having bad skin, everyone goes through it, especially teenagers. Which by the way I think are at their most vulnerable time in their lives. Do we want them to see the left photo of Harry Styles and think, 'Yuck, I don't want to look like that!' It's natural! Just because the media show only the photoshopped photos of celebrities. Secondly look at the rest of his 'complexion' and features, sorry but, is he a doll? He doesn't even look real! 

Please don't get me wrong. I think technology these days is bloody brilliant! And to be able to so these things is amazing, but do we need to take it this far? Do we need to plaster these 'perfect' images all over every type of media out there? It is are effecting so many people, and in so many horrendous ways. I don't think they care though, do they? Very sadly, it's all about the money for these people, and to me, that says more about those people who produce these photoshopped images, than the people in the images. Who are now infact some made up plastic non existent object. Sad isn't it. X 


  1. I completely agree why should people have to change what they look like on just to fit in with what we think is the perfect image. If magazines and newspapers posted real images it would seriously help teenagers especially those with self-esteem issues to fit in more in society and like you said boys wouldn't have such a high standard. The real picture of Harry Styles shows teens that even celebrity's don't look perfect all the time, because they show the photoshopped image people assume that the look like that on a daily basis. I think this is very important and should be seen by more people. You have hit the nail on the head well done!!!! xx

  2. toatally agree with you both, eloquently put Cass. But what can we do about it? stop buying the magazines?
